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4 Theoretical Work

4.1  Drawing According to the Methods of Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse is the painter that I researched on several levels because he finds his own solutions for physical limitations, for example to paint, he uses bamboo sticks, and because in the end of his life he couldn’t paint normally anymore he found his own way of cutting with scissors. His philosophy has helped me a lot, for example regarding my way on how to look at drawings for people with down syndrome.

For Matisse, looking at the painting everyday as if you have never seen it before is the biggest power human beings can have. If you want to know more about this subject, look at the chapter “Painting in one line according to the methods of Henri Matisse”.

That chapter integrates literature on working with people with down syndrome and my own artistic practice. It also contains a bibliography of all the books that I have read. And it features an interview with a restaurator of the famous painting “Acanthes” by Henri Matisse. The chapter on Matisse has given me insights on how to conduct research.

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