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2.2.2  Dolphins

On a piece of kitchen towel paper the outline of a dolphin is drawn with a blue ink pen. Surrounding the kitchen paper is cobult blue paper which functions as a frame for the drawing. Its is an abstract drawing, inside of the dolphin you can see dots and lines. On the upper part of the drawing you can see the air is drawn in something that looks like children’s scribbles. On the upper right hand side you can see a cloud in the shape of a heart. On the bottom of the drawing wavy lines are made, as if the water is being sucked out of the sea. This drawing i made after the oil catastrophe in Mexico.
Pic 2.33: "Dolphin"

Here you see a dolphin picture drawn on kitchen Towel paper with a blue ink pen. The picture is a paradox as the paper is sucking the water away. Therefore the dolphin is in danger much like in real life, in Florida there was a case where the water had been poisoned with oil. The material is part of the content, even if chosen unconsciously. In this case it was a perfect choice, the matter fitted the part.

The picture measures 40cm by 30cm.

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