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2.1.10  Bibliography

The following links and books inspired me to write this paper :

[1] http://galbenorat.blogspot.com
Excerpts taken from Gal Ben-Or book "Directions for Life".
[2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snF45TQWnJ0
Gal Ben-Or teaching the Alexander technique to disabled children, a very touching video where you can see that early intervention is giving a positive result in the life of disabled children.
Alexander Technique "Directions for Life" by Gal Ben-Or (published 2012). A book about how the Alexander technique can improve the life of disabled and non disabled children and their families. How to use and how to teach the Alexander technique in a school setting and how an Alexander teacher should prepare himself before he meets a child. I find it a very practical book and it has helped me alot. The parts that Alexander wrote himself however are sometimes difficult to understand because it is written in a very scientific language.
[3] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROAH9LQecyc
Frida Kahlo, a painter with a physical disability, lived from 1907-1954 in Mexico. She lived in the blue house which is shown in these videos together with the adaptions that enabled her to paint and also quotes are used from diary, a very inspirational set of films that really give you a good incite into Frida's personality and the way she lived.
Frida Kahlo "Die Gemälde München" by Schirmer/Mosel (published 1992) Frida Kahlo "Beneath the Mirror" by Gerry Souter (published 2005) Frida Kahlo "Kahlo" by Andrea Kettenmann (published 1993) Books about Frida Kahlo seen through the eyes of historians. In these books you can also see her wonderful paintings.
Frida Kahlo "Diario Autorretrato Intimo" by Carlos Fuentes (published 1995) The original Spanish diary in which Frida describes what she fells and makes sketches as well. Very inspirational and powerful because the drawings depict how a drawing can start from a drop of ink. They show a women with alot of courage although she has to cope with alot of physical obstacles and knows perfectly how to picture them in to a story.
[4] http://www.monkeyhelpers.org/
The website how monkeys can help people with disability, Frida Kahlo had alot of living monkeys in her house possibly she had them for this reason as she was bed ridden for several years. The monkeys could live freely in her house and could come and go as they pleased because in mexico monkeys are part of the habitat like cats and dogs are in Europe.
[5] http://www.marabu-creative.com/gb/02mfarben/produkte/textil_plus.php
The website is about paint for fabric and how to use it in the correct way. All the marabu paints are water based and therefore very suitable for children.
"Stoffmalerei und Stoffdruck" "Leicht Gemacht" by Heide Gehring
This book is about the basics when you start painting or printing on fabric in an easy way. Things you have to take into consideration for example washing your fabric before painting and ironing it afterward so that you fix the paint to the fabric for a second time. This was a question that I have been struggling alot with while working on fabric and other backgrounds. It has tips on how to paint clothing and how to print with natural materials, very inspirational, a book I will use for sure.
[6] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohJxPCte_FM&feature=related
Tijanting is a very handy tool when you have to paint fine lines on fabric particularly when you write, originally used for batik originating from China. When you batik you put wax in the top of the tijanting, I would not use it for this purpose because i think it is too dangerous for me, for batik I would use the electric tijanting pen as seen in the link below.
[7] http://www.internetstore.ch/280956-280956-7612532022530-Crea-Point- Plakatfarbenkoffer-Plakatfarben-Crea-PointZ-Plakatfarben-Crea-PointZ-Plakatfarben- Koffer
A website about water based paint that can also be used on fabric and is particularly suitable when used for children because it is water based and created from natural materials.
[8] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3rzrW493VI
A video how to prepare with acrylic paint when you want it to be white when you start painting. Acrylic paint in general is not suitable for painting on fabric unless it is fluid acrylic paint which also exists but only used for batik a form of painting.
[9] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=710-u-vVCyc
Marmorierfarben usable for paper, hollow eggshells, masks made of plaster and nail painting, oil based so have turpentine ready. Not very good for people with disabilities because you have to work very fast, for non disabled children it is very fun activity. The colors are very expensive.
[10] Neue Zürcher Zeitung Newspaper article - On Picasso
Author - Dr.Michael Carlo Klepsch. Date - 12th January 2012. Page 45.
[11] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmIRm4ZO5Mk&feature=youtu.be
«The Sea as Inspiration » – A journey of two women who share the same passion.
[12] Berner Zeitung Newspaper article: «Sie hilft Behinderten, ihre Träume zu leben»
pdf/2011-10-05_BZ_Artikel.pdf (http://www.petra.stokar.ch/pdf/2011-10-05_BZ_Artikel.pdf)  (or → text-only version for screen-readers)

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