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5  Future

Here is one of the possible offers for a future project. If you are interested or have other wishes in the area of art I am open for it. This can be individually or in groups. Under the chapter «Educational Projects» you can see other projects that I’ve done, so you can get an idea of what is possible.

Please contact me by e-mail : pstokar@googlemail.com

«Self image – How far can one go?»

«Self image – How far can one go?» is a project that aims to research different ways to create a self-image. It is a project where children with and without disabilities learn to communicate with each other through the art of painting. I’m myself physically disabled and because of this I am in a wheelchair.

I chose the title «Self image – How far can one go?» because a portrait can be much more than only two eyes, a nose and a mouth; it can show your connection with nature, it can have fifty eyes and show the different points of views that you have of the world. The self-images can then be abstract or figurative or both. Painting is a way of communicating to the outside world where words are not necessary. In order to achieve this goal, the children will get the possibility to play with different tools: a long bamboo stick with a special grip makes it possible to create very big paintings, the magic marker makes it possible to repeat a painting several times and there are many more tools to experiment with. The children will work individually as well as in groups of two to share and learn from each other. The work can be exhibited in different schools. Afterwards the children can take their works home. During the workshop the work will be documented to observe the progress.

Everybody is able to paint that is what I believe. If you come to the workshop we will show you how.

Project leader: Petra Stokar and 1 Assistant
Duration: 3 times 2 hours
Target audience: 8 to 13 years old, disabled or able body children (for disabled children preferably with their own assistant or family member, if it is not possible please contact me)
Group seize 12 children (It would be good if the half of the group would have a disability and the rest not)
Language: German and/or English and/or Dutch
Budget: 1200 CHF including material. The space should be provided by the enquirer.


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