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3.2.8  Luis' Presentation

My play is called: "don't look at me!".
Don't look at me!
Yeah! Don't look at me! This is the title.
It would be 3 dancers and one more hidden in a mirror. The one who is hidden in the mirror is there because the others are looking at him with bad faces, and he is expressing this and telling: (he expresses also with his body) "Well, I am ugly, I don't like the attitude..." and that's why he is looking at himself in the mirror. The set design is a toilet room made by materials and 2 speakers which made this person listen music around him and he is reflective as he was telling; "I don't know what to do, if going out to the stage or not" then, It would be 2 dancers and all this it would be the shower for the water, the light, a microphone and another light and another light and the water is falling down.
Ok, ok, we can see it. Somebody wants to say something to him?
What is this tree?
It is a tree of shame. It is a tree, which has hidden "himself" because it has shame.

After our Workshop Luis Performed his own Piece in front of the Students of the University in Sevillia.

"This book will show some aspects of what the author calls pedagogy of the suppressed, a pedagogy, which must be constructed with the suppressed and not for them (individuals or whole nations) in the constant fight of people for recovery of their humanity. This pedagogy makes it possible for the suppressed to reflect upon the causes of their suppression and out of this reflection the necessary action to freedom will grow. The fight of the people will make it possible that this pedagogy is newly created again and again."

(Paulo freire "Pedagogy of the supressed", p. 44)

I think this quote is a perfect description of the process Luis went through. By the creation of the set design he first expressed his observation of the world and after that, he performed it in front of an audience and gave it a voice that everybody could hear and enjoy.

Others students designs where abstract or showed scenes out of their daily life.

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