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2.1.9  Ideas for the future

Future projects that I could think of, are working with other painters that are also working with large paper on the floor with an extension stick, making this text and the pictures accessible for different disabilities, for example using spoken text instead of written text, combined with pictures and providing it digitally as well as written so that people who can not turn the page can use the computer to do this for them, setting up a course in the Alexander technique because I find it important that I learn to use my own body in a way that I can distribute my energy in a equal way. Also I would like to learn how to use my body in a way that costs me minimum energy to control it. I feel it equally important that children with disabilities have the possibility to have a positive image of their body and learn to use it in a correct way so that it will help them later in their life and sometimes even the disability vanishing completely. This happens for example with children that have attention problems (ADHD) or children that have coordination problems for example a child that has not learned to walk yet. The Alexander technique is particularly helpful for children with speech problems, I have often worked with people with down syndrome I find it an important technique to learn.

Furthermore I would like to work with black fabric,painting and printing on my own clothing, creating my own duvet cover and i would like to learn as well how to print on fabric with natural materials such as potatoes, vegetables and fruits. I would like to decorate my clothing by printing on fabric with flowers I found in nature. I also think of batik which is a method of printing on fabric where the outlines are made with the use of wax. It is a way to join together everything that I find important. Painting on fabric is a method in which I feel I can freely express myself and join together everything that I have learned at this school, working with wax, learn to paint and working with natural materials. I have found out that by working on black fabric a new world came to exist because it has endless possibilities and there are no limits in the size I can use. I am however aware that everything I would like to create on fabric I would first like to exercise on paper with placard paint. Last but not least I would like to write independently on fabric so I can create my own poetry on t-shirts. I am even thinking of opening a workshop were disabled and non disabled actors can be integrated together to create there own costume for their own play by the use of printing and painting on fabric. I could even imagine making a life size set design of this, so you can see there are still ideas flowing out of my mind like a river and I don’t know where I will end up but it has been a process that made my heart sing with joy and I would like to share with others.

The original paintings that are not shown here but were part of my creating process will be in a black portfolio for anybody that wants to see them. I wish you a creative journey through the world of an artist. This book will be available on cd for anyone that requests it.

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