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2.1.3  Painting on Plastic

Abstract lines and scribbles made with the use of a paintbrush in white  on a black plastic canvas. Very energetic thick , thin, free lines, childlike with no form.  The picture depicts freedom. It consists of one big area of lines and scribbles and one ball of white located at the bottom of the picture that almost looks like a white fire ball.
Pic 2.8

This technique helped me alot in my next physio therapy lesson and I was able to paint independently. I was however droping alot of paint on the wall. That is why in my next lesson I asked my teacher of the HKB if I could paint even bigger so that the whole wall could be covered. He decided to use a big black piece of building plastic taping it to cover the whole of the wall. I again started out to paint abstract because I had never painted on plastic before, it was much more slippery than working with normal paper. This time I did not get frustrated that I couldn't create form, I had fun with it and played around, below you can see the result.

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